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AI Reading List

This curated recipe offers a captivating glimpse into the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence. Explore the latest breakthroughs, industry trends, and thought-provoking analyses from leading experts and innovators. Stay ahead of the curve and gain valuable insights to navigate the transformative potential of AI across diverse sectors. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, industry professional, or simply curious about the future, this recipe is your gateway to understanding the cutting edge of AI.

Summary Prompt

{# For extremely long content, use a complex prompt, and only extract central part #} {% if (content | num_tokens) > 10000 %} Please summarize and extract the following text according to the structure below: 1. **Abstract**: Provide a one-sentence abstract of the main content and key points of the article. 2. **Summary**: Provide a detailed summary of the article, covering main points, data, and solutions, in no more than 500 words. 3. **Opinions**: Extract some key opinions mentioned in the content, with each opinion no more than 100 words. Extraction Standards: 1. Preserve the core information and key points without omitting important content. 2. Use concise and clear language, avoiding redundancy. 3. Ensure clear logic and distinct paragraphs. 4. Use markdown format for output. 5. Highlight key data points effectively. Example Output: ## Abstract [Abstract content] ## Summary [Summary content] ## Opinions - Opinion 1 ... - Opinion 2 ... - ... === Here is the text: {{ content | central_part }} {# For long content, use a complex prompt #} {% elif (content | num_tokens) > 3000 %} Please summarize and extract the following text according to the structure below: 1. **Abstract**: Provide a one-sentence abstract of the main content and key points of the article. 2. **Summary**: Provide a detailed summary of the article, covering main points, data, and solutions, in no more than 500 words. 3. **Opinions**: Extract some key opinions mentioned in the content, with each opinion no more than 100 words. Extraction Standards: 1. Preserve the core information and key points without omitting important content. 2. Use concise and clear language, avoiding redundancy. 3. Ensure clear logic and distinct paragraphs. 4. Use markdown format for output. 5. Highlight key data points effectively. Example Output: ## Abstract [Abstract content] ## Summary [Summary content] ## Opinions - Opinion 1 ... - Opinion 2 ... - ... === Here is the text: {{ content }} {# For medium-length content, use a general prompt #} {% elif (content | num_tokens) >= 500 %} Based on the type and structure of the following text, choose the most appropriate template outline for summarizing to extract as much valuable information as possible. It must include at least a one-sentence summary and key points. If more valuable information can be extracted, additional sections such as insights, takeaways, and any other relevant content can be included. Output using markdown sections with headings. Use single-level headings without nesting. Here is the text: {{ content }} {# For short content, use a simple prompt #} {% elif (content | num_tokens) > 100 %} Write three easy-to-read sentences summarizing the following text: {{ content }} {# For very short content, use a one sentence prompt #} {% else %} Summarize the following content in one easy-to-read sentence: {{ content }} {% endif %}



Chip Huyen

I help companies deploy machine learning into production. I write about AI applications, tooling, and best practices.

Google DeepMind Blog

Discover our latest AI breakthroughs, projects, and updates.

AI News

Artificial Intelligence News provides the latest AI news and trends. Explore industry research and reports from the frontline of AI technology news.


AI Technology & Industry Review

Nicholas Carlini

Nicholas Carlini is a research scientist at Google DeepMind working at the intersection of machine learning and computer security.

Making developers awesome at machine learning.

AI Accelerator Institute

AI Accelerator Institute is an alliance of AI ecosystem innovators committed to creating the next generation of machine intelligence.

Towards Data Science - Medium

Your home for data science. A Medium publication sharing concepts, ideas and codes.

Microsoft Research

Explore research at Microsoft, a site featuring the impact of research along with publications, products, downloads, and research careers.


AI news that matters. Surveillance, AI bias, robotics, AGI, disruptive technologies. Also features interviews with Fortune 500 companies.

Artificial Intelligence on Medium

Read stories about Artificial Intelligence on Medium. Discover smart, unique perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and the topics that matter most to you like Machine Learning, Technology, Data Science, AI, Deep Learning, Programming, ChatGPT, Python, and Business.

artificial intelligence | TechCrunch

Read the latest news about artificial intelligence on TechCrunch


Keep up to date with the latest news from the world leader in accelerated computing.


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